Hi everyone! I hope all the mothers out there had a wonderful day yesterday. You all deserve it. Mine was definitely memorable. We had brunch at this newly found place, Cafe Belwah. Their food was delightful. And instead of flowers, I got this lovely bonsai tree from Troy and the girls. They said I needed a new hobby. Very funny! I love the tree – although it’s daunting to trim it. (It didn’t come pruned.) I’ve already taken several stems off of it but I’m still working on it. I’m taking it slowly – I’m letting it talk to me, it’ll say what shape it wants to be. I put it by the window in my new workspace (our unfinished basement) so that I can look at it everyday and be a great source of inspiration.

The girls also each made me a card. They asked if they can use whatever they want from my art supply and I said sure. (They’re always welcome to do so.) With Troy’s guidance, Rinoa made a face card using a roll of torn up fabric from an old shirt that she found in my yarn box for the hair. (Mommy, the hairclip I used on the card is real! Isn’t it pretty?) Troy said I look like Michael Jackson.

She’s been practicing both manuscript and cursive handwriting everyday and to showcase her handwriting skill, Troy made her write in cursive.

Mica, on the other hand, went to town with the punches – lol! She also came up with a lovely card that I’ll forever cherish.