Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ms. Mary Ann does this walkabouts in her blog that I enjoy so much – so I thought I’d invite you to walk with me too :D Let’s go back to Gig Harbor, Washington where I’m visiting my brother’s family. I noticed a coffee shop just outside...
Monday, February 14, 2011
If you follow my blog (and thank you so much if you do), then you may have noticed that every year, coinciding the past several weeks that have passed, I become quiet. I go into my shell and stay there for a while. Not that I’m sad or anything. I just...
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I know I’ve been very quiet. Lots of things going on around here in the past month – so much so that I can’t get into my “zone”, that mental state where all my inspiration and drive come from. Nevertheless, I couldn’t let the year...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
This has been sitting in my hard drive for – oh, maybe – two years now just waiting to be shared here. It was taken after our second attempt at getting Rinoa’s ears pierced at the mall – as a way of distracting her afterward. We were supposed...