Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Every Wednesday here in our area, homeschooled kids get together to ice skate. And today, Mica joined them for the first time. She was a little bit intimidated because the other kids were just breezing through the rink but, nevertheless, she had fun and can’t...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
My little artist just unleashing some of those pent-up energy.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Recalling the time I had to bring Rinoa to the dentist because her front tooth suddenly turned black. It was last October. She was so brave and well-behaved. She didn’t even flinch when the dentist probed inside her mouth. I’m sure it helps that we have a...
Monday, February 12, 2007
We were watching Everyday Italian today and the theme was chocolate. So obviously, by the end of the show, Mica and I were drooling. I had Troy run to the store to buy some ingredients and when he came back, I made Chocolate Hazelnut Raviolis (which are just...