Tuesday, December 15, 2009
For our first art class this month, Mica and Rinoa each did a Christmas-themed eggshell mosaic. I’ve been planning on giving them this project for weeks now, so every time I cracked an egg in the kitchen, I would clean and save the shell. We had about a dozen...
Friday, November 27, 2009
I want to wrap up Fall before we enter into December by sharing Rinoa’s latest art work. We got the idea for this project here – a great place if you’re looking for art projects for kids. Happy Thanksgiving! “THANKSGIVING PUMPKINS” Oil...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My family takes recycling seriously. Every week, during trash day, we’re proud to see that we have more in our recycling bin than in our trash can. We usually donate old clothes to the Salvation Army, but recently, I’ve decided to set some old clothes...
Friday, February 27, 2009
This week, I made Rinoa a portfolio where all her artworks are kept. And for Friday Art, I thought I would share some of her masterpieces. “This is a picture of me. I am crying because Daddy is trying to pick my flower.” – Rinoa THE FLOWER PICKERby...